It is mandated by law that you get car insurance, and this is for good reason. If you get into a car accident and you have no insurance, you could end up in a lot of trouble. You could end up paying for your car repairs out of pocket, as well as repairs on a second car if the accident involved another and it was your fault. You might think that spending a thousand dollars or more a year on car insurance is steep, but it will be worth it. Even if you think you'll never get into an accident you should still get it because you never know. Even some of the best drivers get in accidents because of someone else's stupid driving or weather.
When it's time to get car insurance, it's definitely to your benefit to shop around. Before you do this, you need to know what you are looking for. This will depend on many factors. You need to take into account your age, gender, and driving history, as well as specifics about your car. How old is your car; what year is it? How much is it worth? What kind of coverage do you want on it?
When shopping for car insurance, think about what benefits you want. Are you looking for the cheapest insurance possible, or do you want good coverage and good customer service. Don't fall prey to funny commercials. Research a company before you decide to go for it. Check out the link below if you want to get car insurance quotes from several of the top insurance companies.
Some car insurance companies offer discounts. Usually the cheaper companies don't offer discounts because they already offer a cheaper price. At the same time, they don't offer as good of coverage. If you can afford it, it's better to go with the company that costs a little more and offers better coverage that will eventually give you discounts. They will probably end up costing the same in a few years, but for more coverage. The discounts are for people who can prove to them that they are save drivers and won't cost the insurance company much money.
On the other hand, if you are a reckless driver and you think you could never earn these discounts but still want cheap insurance, then go for the cheap insurance. Better yet, learn how to drive more safely and make the roads a little safer!